
WFR Series, which made good results in Japan, just accomplished at "GIFA 2007"

GIFA 2007, the world's leading international trade has been held at Dusseldorf in Germany since JUN 12

Our WFR series product has been shown a lot of consequences in and outside Japan up to now. And then, this commodity becomes a real announcement in Europe.

We have displayed die casting commodities and, also presented a video how to use our WFR products during the manufacturing product. Please visit GIFA and, you will see top performance of our WER product.

GIFA2007  Lubrolene displayed die casting commodities GIFA2007  Lubrolene displayed die casting commodities GIFA2007  Lubrolene displayed die casting commodities

GIFA 2007 has been held by 16th of JUN. See us at Hall 10, stand #F47.


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